Questo è un modulo Python contenente un paio di funzioni utili per manipolare i vettori. Questa libreria è inclusa in Draft ed è possibile accedervi in questo modo dall'interprete Python:
import DraftVecUtils
Tenere presente che questo modulo è stato creato molto tempo fa, quando la classe Vector
non aveva molti dei suoi metodi. Ora queste operazioni possono essere eseguite dalla stessa classe Vector.
Sebbene il modulo DraftVecUtils
esista ancora e sia ancora utilizzato all'interno di Draft, è probabilmente meglio utilizzare i metodi Vector
direttamente per i nuovi sviluppi.
I vettori sono i mattoni costitutivi di quasi tutte le operazioni geometriche 3D, quindi è utile conoscerli un po' per capire come queste funzioni possono essere utili. Ecco alcune valide pagine per imparare le basi della matematica vettoriale:
"""Vector math library for FreeCAD"""
import math
import FreeCAD
def add(first, other):
"""add(Vector,Vector) - adds two vectors"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x+other.x, first.y+other.y, first.z+other.z)
def sub(first, other):
"""sub(Vector,Vector) - subtracts second vector from first one"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x-other.x, first.y-other.y, first.z-other.z)
def scale(first,scalar):
"""scale(Vector,Float) - scales (multiplies) a vector by a factor"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x*scalar, first.y*scalar, first.z*scalar)
def length(first):
"""lengh(Vector) - gives vector length"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
return math.sqrt(first.x*first.x + first.y*first.y + first.z*first.z)
def dist(first, other):
"""dist(Vector,Vector) - returns the distance between both points/vectors"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return length(sub(first,other))
def normalized(first):
"""normalized(Vector) - returns a unit vector"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x/l, first.y/l, first.z/l)
def dotproduct(first, other):
"""dotproduct(Vector,Vector) - returns the dot product of both vectors"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return (first.x*other.x + first.y*other.y + first.z*other.z)
def crossproduct(first, other=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)):
"""crossproduct(Vector,Vector) - returns the cross product of both vectors.
If only one is specified, cross product is made with vertical axis, thus returning its perpendicular in XY plane"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return FreeCAD.Vector(first.y*other.z - first.z*other.y, first.z*other.x - first.x*other.z, first.x*other.y - first.y*other.x)
def angle(first, other=FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0)):
"""angle(Vector,Vector) - returns the angle in radians between the two vectors.
If only one is given, angle is between the vector and the horizontal East direction"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return math.acos(dotproduct(normalized(first),normalized(other)))
def project(first, other):
"""project(Vector,Vector): projects the first vector onto the second one"""
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return scale(other, dotproduct(first,other)/dotproduct(other,other))